What is financial independence?


  • Financial independence typically means having enough income to pay your living expenses for the rest of your life without having to work full time.


What does having financial freedom mean to you?


  • The best place to start when discussing investments is to look at our goals. Where, exactly, are we heading with our money? Our goal is financial independence, but what does it mean to you?

    • To go, talk anywhere, everywhere with confidence?
    • Being successful, lavish, and luxurious?
    • More free time to spend with family and friends
    • Maintaining a beach lifestyle? Yacht?
    • Being your own boss?
    • Work from home?
    • Freedom to travel and do things you like to do?
    • Not tied to a desk for 50 hours a week?
    • Big house, lots of cars, lots of holidays?
    • Earn income from day trading at home?
    • Afford to travel anywhere, anytime?
    • Trading and partying lifestyle?
    • Having enough money to own a home and support a family?
    • Giving more away?
    • Retire early?
    • Free from daily job?
    • No debt?


Why is financial independence an important focus for investors?


  • By having dreams and ambitions, we will be more motivated to be consistent and diligent each day.

  • Our goals can give us reason to want to succeed in our endeavor of trading.

    • Motivation can come from setting goals. Without goals we are just aimlessly drifting through life with no actual destination.
    • By having a trading plan connected to goals, we have a much better chance of “loving” what we do as our success grows.


How to can you achieve financial freedom from investing?


  • Financial management and investing are lifelong endeavors. You do small things every day such as cut your expenses, generate extra income, and put the money into brokerage and tax-deferred retirement accounts. With time, it begins to amount to something, and as each new opportunity appears, you can react on a larger scale than your previous investments to exponentially build wealth.

  • Making sound investment decisions is important for achieving your financial goals and key to developing a successful investment strategy.

    • The more knowledgeable and experienced you are in financial matters, the fewer mistakes you will make.

    • Taking calculated risks when you are young can lead to long run success.

      • While you are young, you can recover faster from financial mistakes and you have many years to recover.
      • You might make mistakes along the way, but remember, mistakes are the lessons of wisdom. You often learn more from your mistakes than from your successes.

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CashFlo® FAQ

These initial thoughts may likely be on your mind so let’s clear them up!

 Great, another “stock guru” telling me they have the secret to the stock market…

  • Our purpose is to educate you on how to capitalize on opportunities gained from integrating the financial world into your everyday life. The stock market can be a vehicle to wealth—I want to help you learn how to drive it!



 This is just another website telling me “how to get rich quick.”

  • We do not promote any stock alert service on our website nor state that trading stocks is a get-rich-quick pastime. In fact, we strongly believe the market will take advantage of you and your money if you aren’t prepared or consistent.



 I just don’t want to risk or spend my hard-earned money to learn how to trade stocks.

  • Accepting the initial challenge of learning to invest your money, in our opinion, is one of the most important decisions of your life. You don't need to be college educated to start investing in the stock market, in fact, you don't even need to be a high school graduate, so why miss out on valuable and life-changing opportunities that you can begin to recognize today.



 I don’t really have enough money put away to invest.

  • We believe learning to invest with a CashFlo® Small Account ($700-$2000) is actually the smarter decision than beginning trading with a larger account.



Why smaller account vs larger accounts for initial investors?

  • You can learn from your losses without losing a lot of money.

  • You can understand the impact of your broker’s fee structure.

  • You can tolerate riskier securities yielding greater returns.



 It overwhelms me…There is just too much going on to try and understand…

  • The enormous commitment to the financial world is one of the biggest illusions of the stock market. You just need to have a basic understanding of business and have the confidence to stick with a plan – consider a plan consistent with our CashFlo® Investor

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